Tips & Trends

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How to Grow Your Email List Faster

Building out your email list may have you scratching your head for ideas. How can your brand do it both quickly and effectively? And what exactly are the advantages of an email list for your business? Let’s dive into how to grow your email list faster and how you can benefit from strengthening this component of your marketing system. Benefits of Email Lists Though there are now many digital marketing channels, such as search engines, website, and social media, email is still a...

Strategies to Avoid Summer Sales Slump

With school out and people going on vacation, many businesses experience a summer sales slump, but there are ways to avoid the slowdown. Preparing your pipeline in advance and continuing sales-generating activities throughout the summer months are vital. Here are eight sales strategies to beat the dreaded summer slump: 1. Review and Adjust KPIs Sales managers should plan ahead for the summer quarter by adjusting key performance indicators KPIs, such as the number of referrals, the number of...

5 Ways to Know You Need a CRM

No matter how proficient you are at keeping notes, setting reminders, or checking your calendar, almost everyone has at least one memory of not doing any of that. It can even go so far as forgetting to call a potential customer, missing a meeting, or not remembering past conversations with someone. Your customer is the most important stakeholder in your business, which makes managing your relationship with them the most critical thing you can do. And the old ways of doing this...

6 Types of Local SEO Content to Boost Rankings

While SEO can help boost your organic search rankings on a wider scale, it’s also important to factor in local search marketing. Local-specific content is vital for increasing traffic to businesses with one or many locations. Driving traffic to these pages, in turn, can lift your ranking positions on search results pages. At Sales & Marketing Technologies, we understand what creating local SEO content can do for generating leads and sales, so let’s discuss how to get your...

13 Simple Tips for Improving Your Email Open and Clickthrough Rates

Even with the best email list, it’s easy for your communications to get lost in your customer’s inbox — or worse, in spam. Not to mention that getting your emails opened is only half the battle. Then you have to get them to click through... This article will run down 13 of the best and simplest ways to improve your emails' open rates, clickthrough rates, and conversion potential. Best Practices of Email Marketing Many businesses use email marketing to...

Post-Pandemic Marketing Trends to Watch

Many businesses have had to transform their marketing strategies to align with the current times. Some have used this as an opportunity for growth and advancement, while others have simply honed in on their niche and found ways to adapt. Neither is wrong, of course. But it's important to take a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted gears, and what to watch out for in the future. Here are some post-pandemic marketing trends to be aware of. Increasing Online Presence With so many people...

How to Use Scarcity and Urgency to Increase Sales

Scarcity and urgency are valuable concepts in business, and how you incorporate them into your campaigns could be the difference between success and failure. Scarcity is the understanding that a product or service is in short supply or that it will become unavailable to purchase in the near future. This often encourages action. For example, when there's a hot, new toy out on the market, parents race out to ensure they get one for their child. Urgency is the understanding that a...

5 Ideas to Upgrade Your About Page

If there’s something you may be overlooking on your website, it’s probably your About Us page. When you’re running a business, it's easy to focus more on your customers rather than yourself. However, many potential customers could be going to your company's about page to get a better understanding of who you are. Is that page helping you put your best foot forward currently? Here are some ideas to upgrade your about page so that appeals to your target audience, driving more...

Why You Should Include Social Proof in Your Marketing

Looking for ways to boost your credibility online or capitalize on positive mentions of your company? In this article, we break down why and how to incorporate social proof into your digital marketing to build trust in your brand and gain more loyal customers. What is Social Proof? The term social proof was coined by prominent psychologist and author Robert Cialdini. He described it as a psychological and social phenomenon that leads people to mimic the actions of others in a given situation...

4 Types of Offers to Attract Customers Like a Magnet

Turning your business into a sales machine requires a healthy marketing system, a key component of which is your offers. To pull customers in like bees to nectar, you need to craft offers that provide value to potential customers. Here are four types of offers to consider for your marketing system to lift sales: 1. Lead Magnets Lead magnets are a popular offer and are typically used as the first step in the lead generation process. They’re often free and require prospects to submit...